
Tag: Home Mortgage Tips

What Are The Requirements To Sell A Home Using An...

Before an owner can market a property to buyers that want to use a FHA loan, he will want to familiarize himself with the FHA’s standards. FHA won’t insure loans on just any property.

While their standards aren’t as stringent as they used to be, a home needs to be in relatively good condition to qualify for FHA financing.


The Down Payment: Four Great Reasons To Make The L...

If you’re looking for a new home, you’ve probably heard lots of advice about down payments. About how it’s okay to just have a five percent down payment – you’ll still get approved. About how you should make the down payment as small as possible to avoid cash flow problems. Here are just four reasons why you should make the largest down payment possible.


The Pros and Cons of Mortgage Rate Locks

If you’re just jumping into the game of home purchasing, you are likely considering all of your loan options and may even have heard the term mortgage lock. For those who don’t like to gamble, a mortgage rate lock can offer a bit of reassurance, but there are also some downsides to this type of protection. Before signing off on this, here are the details on rate locks so you can make an informed decision.

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